Well-Scripted and Interesting TV Shows For Intellectual People

With TV shows and movies being produced in masses these days, it gets very difficult to find a show that is worth your time and energy. We realize the importance of time and a good show, and also how bad it feels to waste time on a loosely scripted TV show. So, considering that, we have come up with TV shows that everyone should watch if they are nerdy and like intellectual characters and dialogues.
Sherlock Holmes is a TV show we all know about. Adapted by Arthur Conan Doyle`s mysteries, the show revolves around Sherlock and his roommate John. Every episode has a different story, and each episode is suspenseful to the point that it keeps you hooked till the very end. What makes it best for nerds and people who love mysteries and suspense, is Sherlock’s way of solving the mysteries and his intellectual style. The TV show is best for people who are into mysteries, and also want to watch something that is well scripted.
Penny Dreadful
In old times, penny dreadful used to be cheap, loosely scripted, and sensational horror stories or comics. While these stories were sold only for a penny each, they were really good and popular stories. When it comes to the TV show, set up in the dark corners of Victorian London, Penny dreadful is a psychological thriller that portrays classical literary characters such as Dorian Gray, and Dr. Frankenstein in a new and unique way. Similar to penny dreadfuls, the author took up classical literature and turned it into a psychological thriller with troubled characters, each fighting their own battle. The protagonist Eva and Sir Malcolm are on a quest to find Sir Malcolm’s daughter, and retrieve her from the creatures with the help of Ethan Chandler. If you are a classical literature fan, this show is a must-watch, because only a mastermind could come up with such a great script. Every episode of every season gives you goosebumps. From storyline to graphics, sounds and settings, everything is top-notch.
Breaking Bad
If you are a true nerd in search of great scripted TV shows, it is obvious that you have already watched this masterpiece of a show. The story, plot, character development, everything about Breaking Bad is worth the appreciation. From Walter White`s transformation into becoming Heisenberg, to Jessie Pinkman`s empathetic nature, to Hank`s honestly in work, all characters are strongly developed. The show`s well-researched knowledge about chemistry and their foolproof ways of execution, all make Breaking Bad a binge-worthy show.
If you have not yet watched this masterpiece, you are missing out on one of the best TV shows of all time. The idea of a dull chemistry teacher gone bad, and trying to survive the DEA and the drug cartels that are after him. If you want to watch this show, we suggest getting a Spectrum Silver package. Spectrum TV is great if you want to watch your favorite TV shows, and Spectrum Silver Channel Lists have all your favorite channels. Even if you are into Spanish crime shows, Spectrum has separate packages for Latino customers with more than half of Spanish TV channels. So, check it out now, and get your subscription now.
Sex Education
Sex Education is a TV show based on high school kids getting sex education in their own ways. The show criticizes ancient ways of sex education in a very satirical way, and promotes freedom of expression. It is a well-scripted show that teaches people to be open about their problems and not consider things a taboo anymore. The show is a light, and fun watch for adults, and along with the funny characters and scenes, it teaches us great life lessons. Each character has his own journey, all evolving from what they were before. The best example of character development is Professor Groff and his son Adam Groff. The show also teaches tolerance and empathy while dealing with very delicate issues. So, if you don`t already know about the problematic sex school, stream it and learn about it already.
Alta Mar (High Seas)
Alta Mar also known as High Seas in English, is a Spanish TV show on Netflix. The show has three seasons, and if you are someone who wants to watch something suspenseful, and mysterious with a sensational story as well as lavish setting, this show is for you. The show is set on a cruise where people are mysteriously murdered, and the sisters Eva a Carolina investigate the murders.
Despite the low popularity, we found this show quite interesting to watch on a dull day. So, if you’re a person who likes thrillers at the side of romance, Alta Mar is the ultimate TV show for you. With Eva and Nicolas Vazquez`s lovely chemistry and solving the mysteries together, it will become a wholesome watch.
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory is the ultimate TV show of nerds and every nerd must have watched it. So, if you are in search of a well-scripted comedy that is light and fun to watch. It has intellectual jokes, this TV show is for you. From Sheldon Cooper’s to Penny, to Leonard, to Howard, each character has their own funny ways to amuse you. The show is fun but teaches us great life lessons, the greatest lesson being that no matter how well educated a person is, he should never lack basic empathy and always keep his feet on the ground.
The Handmaid`s Tale
The Handmaid`s Tale is a TV show that represents a society, that lives in a totalitarian dystopian rule. The TV show is the adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s novel and discusses a fundamentalist ruler. That treats women as the property of the state. The empowering protagonist Ofred goes from being a quiet and contained handmade to be an unorthodox, rebellious girl.
Downtown Abbey
Downtown Abbey is a British Period drama that revolves around the lives of the Crawley family and their servants. The drama is historical, has a great setting, and is for someone who loves history. It discusses the aristocratic society and the class system that used to be in old England. If you are an intellectual who loves classical dramas, that have a historical and political touch to them. This TV show is the ultimate show for you. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but you will definitely love the script.
Well, the TV shows that we have mentioned above are of all genres and types. So, choose your favorites and watch them now.