Types of Greenery for Bouquets – Most Demanded in 2022

When it comes to choosing wedding greens, it’s just as crucial as choosing the perfect flowers! There are many types of greenery for bouquets out there, whether you want traditional wedding bouquet greenery types or just a few different types of greenery for bouquets. Well, no matter whether you’re looking for eucalyptus or ivy, these are some of the best types of greenery for wedding bouquets that will make your big day special.
Types of Greenery for Bouquets

Eucalyptus Seed
Seeded Eucalyptus, one of the most popular types of greenery for bridal bouquets, contains almond-shaped leaves with bunches of little seeds. The seeds make it an excellent filler and with them, you will not need to add any other additional filler in the floral arrangement!
You may identify an Ivy plant by its pointed leaves and long, cascading stalks. It looks fantastic in a bouquet and also gives a romantic or rustic touch, depending on how it’s paired with other flowers!
‘Dusty’ Miller
Dusty Miller features ruffled gray leaves with a velvety texture, making it ideal for a wedding in pastels or subdued tones. Hydrangeas and Peonies, which have large flowers, look stunning in this arrangement.
“Israeli Russian”
This greenery option is a popular choice for wedding greens in Israel. Israeli Ruscus is a quick and easy way to liven up your centerpiece. Almond-shaped leaves cover the stem, making it a good choice for filling empty spaces.
To give your floral designs an exotic flair, use Tepee! You may couple these long stems with brilliant flowers to create an eye-catching bouquet in clear glass centerpieces!
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, which has hazy blue spherical leaves and cascading branches, is another favorite choice for weddings. It can be easily blended in with flowers of any color and type.

Pittosporum is the ideal green for a rustic wedding because of its woody branches and rigid leaves. Foam centerpieces make wonderful use of these leaves since they’re grouped at the top, making them simple to prepare.
Leather Leaf Fern Wedding Greens
The Leather Leaf Fern is a common sight in florists’ bouquets. Regardless of the blossom, it has a beautiful shade of green, and it adds a terrific value to the entire wedding flower decoration.
Baby Blue Eucalyptus
Baby Blue Eucalyptus will keep you calm as you make your way down the aisle! The small, stiff leaves covering the whole stem make it an excellent choice for adding texture to any arrangement.
Fern Plumosus
This fluffy green’s delicate, lacy leaves make it ideal for a forest wedding. Because the Plumosa Fern’s stems are so short, a little wedding bouquet or bud vase is the finest display for it.

Italian Ruscus is a superb choice for cascading bouquets, floral arches, or arrangements because of its adaptability and narrow, glossy leaves. This color may be used in almost any design style. Because of its strength, it’s a go-to material for flowery hair accessories.
Recently, the king of tropical greenery, the monstera leaf, has gained immense popularity as one of the best wedding flower greenery options. These leaves may be utilized in various ways, from floral arrangements to potted plants, to patterns in home design. Use tropical blossoms and vibrant, dramatic color palettes or arrange a few stems in a narrow vase for a basic table decoration.
Ferns, like eucalyptus, come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. They may be used year-round in floral arrangements with their vibrant colors and unusual forms. Sword fern’s vibrant green color and adaptability make it the ideal ornamental green.
Flower wearables and table décor may also benefit from its long and flat design. Compared to the sword fern, the flat fern is a huge sister. Although similar in appearance, flat fern has a height advantage because of its slightly different leaf shapes, making it an excellent choice for enormous, opulent arrangements.
The tree fern is one of the simplest plants to work with because of its delicate stems and airy branches. When used as a solid backdrop in a colorful arrangement, tree fern’s fresh, bright green hue is ideal for freshening up the design.
It’s a good idea to use leather leaf ferns in flower arrangements because of their unusual triangular form. You may use it in many ways, from a simple vase arrangement to a tropical-themed creation. For a little price, you may get 21 days of use out of it!
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Known as the “airy green,” plumosa is one of the most unusual plants you’ll see in bouquets. It is similar in appearance to ferns, but not as thick as grass. You may use Plumosa and hardy greens together to create a “boho-chic” mood at your next outdoor event.
Citrus Blossom (Salal)
Designers frequently learn about lemon leaf, also known as salal, because of its versatility and simplicity in any arrangement. As a result of its distinctive lemon-shaped leaves and dark green hue, this foliage is a florist’s greatest friend.
Branches of Olive
Olive branches are another common kind of vegetation. As a result of its pronounced sharpness, it’s ideal for large-scale, dramatic ensembles. The leaves of this plant dry quickly, making it ideal for dried artwork.
Pittosporum, which comes in two colors, namely, variegated and green, is perfect for bringing a touch of nature to any arrangement. Despite its lush foliage and woody stalks, its darker green won’t overshadow your blooms.
We hope that by now you have an idea of the most in-demand wedding flower greenery and foliage that you must use for your big day. Make sure to contact your florist at least a month or two before, to let them know about your choice and preferences.