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Tips to Choose the Best Call Centers Quality Assurance Software

QA software for call centers

QA software for call centers

Technology has gotten deep into the corporate sector, implementing automation in almost every industry. Due to this, QA software for call centers has become a necessity for all modern organizations. Long gone are the days of complicated manual quality assurance spreadsheets. Instead, contact centers looking to boost service quality are going for more sophisticated, technology-enriched centralized software.

The focus on the customer service industry is becoming clearer and QA software for call centers offering quality service has become indispensable. As a result of this, call centers are putting in more investments in QA software to gain a competitive edge.

Yet, each team has a completely different criterion for quality besides the huge number of QA software options. So, here is a simple guide for you to follow to ensure you make the perfect choice for your call center quality management.

Important Features for Call Center QA Software

Like most other software nowadays, call center QA tools are growing in terms of their complexities and capabilities simultaneously. These developments can be helpful in terms of quality, though, at times, simple is the best.

First, you must be sure of the features that the shortlisted QA software brings to the table and whether it fulfills all your requirements or not. Some of the most common requirements are around.


Standalone vs. Integrated

One of the most common aspects often overlooked with QA software for call centers is whether it is an independent or an integrated tool. So, let’s know the difference it can make.

Standalone: Standalone tools merely offer QA. These tools are separate from the other components of the performance metrics and concentrate on the finer points of the QA process.

Integrated: Software that incorporates quality analysis as a component of a larger performance package is an integrated system. These tools provide a 360-degree performance overview with all your metrics in one place. However, they are sometimes a little less thorough than standalone.

Scalability & Mobility

Growth is inevitable for any call center with a successful customer service team. However, for the teams working in a BPO, there is also a very high chance that your colleagues are located across multiple regions and time zones. So, when choosing QA software, consider your organization’s estimated growth and ensure that your quality assurance software can offer features accordingly.


Another important aspect of choosing the most effective quality monitoring tool is whether it fits your organizational budget or not. The pricing for QA software typically ranges from free to $50 per agent/month or even more. However, just like the features, it is important to only pay for what you need to avoid unnecessary costs.

When evaluating the pricing of QA software for call centers, there are a few important questions to ask:

  1. What is the pricing structure?
  2. Is it scalable?
  3. What is the assured ROI?

These answers will help you pinpoint the best value for money option and the perfect fit for your organizational requirements.

The Best Option for Your Organization

Omind Technologies’ quality assurance software can help customer service contact centers proactively improve service quality and provide real-time feedback without burning the finances over manual agents. Here are a few things you get:

  1. Multichannel quality assurance and monitoring
  2. Customizable scoring and reporting system
  3. Commenting feature to provide detailed feedback
  4. Real-time metrics to track and report on progress

To know more about the Mind QA software, feel free to get in touch or leave an inquiry. We can help you with a free trial.

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