Main car electrical system problems causing flickering headlights
Blame the car’s electrical system problems for having flickering headlights among other malfunctioning car electronics. The car’s electrical system is made up of vital electricity producers, suppliers and users. If any of these is malfunctioning then there is a big problem. For example the car may not start or the headlights will be flickering.
There are a number of causes of electric system problems in a car. This will make the car not to run smoothly. Further, there are unique ways that may help you to identify where the electric problem is originating from. But, in some occasions, there will be more than one viable problem causer. In such cases, the recommendation would be to consult a professional for proper diagnosis.
Causes of electrical system problems in a car.
Above we have seen the car electric system components that malfunction alert the driver of an electrical error. Further, we have divided the car electric system components into electric current producers, suppliers and users. Let us start with the electric current producers within the car’s electric system.
Electric current producers.
The car needs electric current for the basic function of starting an engine. As a result, the manufacturers have created an electric system that is capable of sustaining itself over time. This is by installing electric current producers that act as a source for the car’s electric current requirements.
1. Alternator belt.
The alternator belt is responsible for generating electric current when the car engine starts. It rotates to supply electric current to the battery for storage purposes. Further, tit generates electric current that is utilized by car electric current users. For example, the radio and headlights. If this alternator belt malfunctions, you will have some car electric system problems.
2. Car Battery.
The battery is very important during the process of starting the car. Further, it supplies car electric current users with power when the engine is off. Though using the battery charge for too long without letting the alternator belt to recharge it will cause the battery to run out of juice. Hence requiring you to jumpstart the car. Fortunately the car battery lasts for up to 5 years.
The battery produces electric current that is supplied to the spark plug for ignition purposes. The spark plug ignites the fuel and air mixture in the combustion chamber to start the engine. If the engine refuses to start, the problem could be the ignition coil, ignition cylinder or battery. Afterwards the alternator takes over the process of electric current production. As well as recharging the car battery.
Electric current suppliers.
They are responsible for ensuring that the electric current from the battery and alternator reaches the electric current users. Fortunately, the electric current users do not cause any car electrical system problems.
1. Fuses.
The fuses act as an intermediate that monitors the level of electric current flowing the various current users. The fuses are within the car electric system to protect the current users from excessive electric current. Sometimes they burn out when there is too much electric current. If your fusses keep blowing, it’s a guarantee for car electrical system problems that need your attention.
2. Electric wiring.
Wires carry the electric current from producers to users. The electric wiring system of a car is important for the current to get to the intended destination. If there is a disconnection of the wiring either at the source or at the end user, the current won’t flow. That’s why you will see the electronic components start malfunctioning like the headlights will start flickering.