Are you surprised? You might be familiar with Silicon Valley, but I’ll bet some of you have never heard of the world’s most Digital Country – Estonia. It’s located in northeastern Europe, and everything is online there! Estonia is the most tech-friendly country in the world for a number of reasons. For one, their residents all have access to the internet.
They’ve also made significant investments in their country’s technology infrastructure and have fully digitized their government services. This has allowed their citizens to view and manage almost all of the countries services online.
Estonia is a small country in Northeast Europe, bordered by Latvia and Russia. It’s known as the most tech-friendly country in the world because of its willingness to invest in country-wide infrastructure, which allows its citizens to access government services online through their ID cards.
Estonia – The World’s Most Efficient Digital Country!
Estonia has gotten a lot of advertising for its importance on internet access as a human right but tech isn’t all. They ranked 23rd in the world for overall quality of life, according to the Social Progress Index.
The small Baltic state has a population of only 1.3 million people, but the country has made huge strides in digital infrastructure and has become a hotbed for technological innovation. Ecommerce is also one of the common traits of the people of Estonia. B2B and B2C platforms such as online shopping marts, companies that provide essay writing services, and so on, also playing their part in the E-commerce of Estonia
What does this mean for you? Well, if you’re looking for a place to start your new business or expand your existing one, consider moving someplace where you can rely on top-notch internet access and infrastructure support from day one!
The World Economic Forum (WEF) recognizes Estonia with such a name. The WEF report on The Global Information Technology Report 2019, released at Davos in January, said that Estonia was ranked first among 140 economies based on its competitiveness in economic growth and public sector efficiency.
Estonia is also ranked first in terms of technological readiness, which accounts for a country’s digital infrastructure, connectivity and usage. The country above Singapore, Sweden and Denmark.
The report further states that Estonia’s digital transformation is a result of its residents’ digital literacy levels, which are higher than any other country globally. This has made it possible for Estonia to become one of the most advanced countries in terms of electronic voting systems. In addition, Estonians have been using e-services since 2000 and 99% of them use e-ID cards as their digital identity documents.
High adoption of technology
Estonia has become known for its tech-savvy culture and high adoption of technology, which has helped the nation to become one of the world’s most digitally advanced nations.
But how did they do it? In the early 1990s, Estonia was languishing under Soviet rule. The Soviet Union’s collapse badly damage the economy of the country and most of its citizens were struggling with poverty and unemployment.
At that time, Estonia had very little access to computers or internet access. Most people didn’t even know what a computer was! But Estonian president Lennart Meri knew that if his country wanted to thrive in an increasingly digital world, it would need to be tech-friendly—and fast.
So he set out on a mission: To turn Estonia into one of the world’s most technologically advanced nations by 2020!
His plan was simple: Get people using computers before they even knew what they were for! And it worked! By 1997, 73% of Estonians had access to computers at home—a rate that is still among the highest in Europe today!
Early 1990s
In the early 1990s, Estonia was languishing under Soviet rule. The Soviet Union bear punch the economy of the country and most of its citizens were struggling with poverty and unemployment.
At that time, Estonia had very little access to computers or internet access. Most people didn’t even know what a computer was! But Estonian president Lennart Meri knew that if his country wanted to thrive in an increasingly digital world, it would need to be tech-friendly—and fast.
His plan was simple: Get people using computers before they even knew what they were for! And it worked! By 1997, 73% of Estonians had access to computers at home—a rate that is still among the highest in Europe today!
Technology used by Estonia to become tech-friendly
Estonia has managed to become a tech-friendly country by using a number of different technologies.
-Estonia’s government has developed a platform called X-Road, which provides the country’s citizens with access to all of their data. This platform allows for easy communication between businesses and citizens and the secure transmission of data.
-Estonia has also invested heavily in free Wi-Fi throughout the country, ensuring internet access to everyone.
-The government also offers an online voting platform that allows citizens to vote from home or work.
The Estonian government also created a public education system that focuses on STEM subjects, so it’s no wonder they’ve become known as one of the most tech-savvy nations on earth. different companies that offer MBA essay help are based in Estonia. They offer free online courses to help students understand how IT works and how they can use it in their business practices.
Final Thoughts
The fact that Estonia is the most technologically advanced country with the highest percentage of digital citizens shows that a small nation can still achieve great things.
It’s quite clear that some countries are more tech-friendly than others. If you want to improve your country in this regard, it starts with the younger generation—by educating children about the importance of data security and technology use. It’s then up to the adults to continue fostering a love of technology at every level of society so that all citizens can reap its many benefits.
Anthers, G., 2015. Estonia: a model for e-government. Communications of the ACM, 58(6), pp.18-20.