5 Fun Facts About Monkeys
When Monkeys don’t want to play the game their owners made for them, they become creative and make up their fun. Here are some funny monkey quotes that will have you laughing out loud.
They’re almost always in a good mood.
Monkeys are social animals. They live in groups and have a complex social structures. The more dominant monkey will sleep higher up in the trees, for example, while the more submissive monkeys will sleep at lower levels.
Monkeys also have large brains relative to their body size; this allows them to be extremely intelligent creatures that can learn new skills quickly and use tools like hammers or spoons to accomplish tasks. They make funny noises when they’re happy too.
In addition to being smart, monkeys are mischievous, they love causing trouble for humans because it amuses them so much. You may even see one of these animals running around your house looking for something fun to play with (or steal). If you want proof that a monkey is not happy just sitting around being lazy all day then check out this video clip below:
They love company, which is why they typically travel in groups.
Monkeys are very social animals and like to travel in groups. They enjoy learning from others, so having a big troop is great for them It’s not uncommon for monkey troops to be hundreds-strong.
Monkeys like to live in the forest or jungle because that’s where they can find food and shelter. They have many enemies there: snakes, cats, and even people who hunt them for food or sell them as pets.
But monkeys are also smart, they have learned how to avoid these dangers by staying out of sight when they’re not eating or resting (which isn’t all the time since monkeys are very energetic).
They love to eat bananas.
Monkeys are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Their diet consists of fruit, leaves, nuts, and seeds. They also like to eat insects, birds’ eggs, and small mammals like baby rats. In the wild, a monkey’s diet can change depending on where it lives, how old it is (newborns eat mainly their mother’s breast milk), and what food is available at that particular time of year.
Monkeys spend a lot of their time foraging for food because they prefer not to stay in one place all day long; this behavior keeps them from becoming easy prey for predators like leopards or eagles who might spot them sitting around waiting for something tasty to come along.
Some monkeys use their hands to find their food while others use tools such as sticks or stones; once found these items are used as hammers so other foods such as nuts can be cracked open easily without damaging themselves during the process.
They can be very sneaky and take food right out of your hand without you noticing.
You might think monkey are cute, but there are some things about them that you probably don’t know. For example, many of them are diurnal, they sleep during the day and stay up all night. Monkey also spend most of their time in trees because they’re arboreal (which means “tree-dwelling”).
They’re omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals and can be found on land or in water. As if their intelligence wasn’t enough to make you wary of these creatures, monkeys can outsmart humans.
Monkeys are very social animals that live in large communities called troops or harems.
Monkeys are our closest living relatives.
You might think that monkey are just a cute and cuddly part of our world, but they share much more than you’d expect. We have quite a lot in common with these adorable primates. Like us, monkeys are mammals who walk on two legs and live in groups. They also have some pretty amazing abilities:
Their hands can grasp things like ours can; they’re going tools, and they use visual signals to communicate with each other (as well as smell). Most importantly for this article though is the fact that we share about 98% of our DNA with them.
That’s are more share with dogs or cats, and it means that these animals are our closest living relatives.
If you look closely enough at monkeys, you’ll notice how similar their bodies are to those of humans bodies, especially when it comes down to their faces (there’s even an ancient myth about how all humans came from monkeys.). It makes sense then why many people consider primates like chimpanzees or gorillas “human-like.” Both apes and monkeys belong to the same group called Primates along with lemurs and tarsiers, and we all belong together because we’re all primates too.
Monkeys are a lot like humans.
Monkeys are a lot like humans. It’s true. While they may look different, there are many similarities between us that you might not know about.
First off, monkeys and humans share a very close evolutionary relationship. Monkey ancestors were some of the first primates to evolve into what we now call monkeys today. This means that monkeys and humans share many characteristics, like hands, feet, and teeth that can be traced back to their common ancestors. Monkeys even have opposable thumbs just like us.
Additionally, it turns out that we humans are closer genetically to apes than we are to other monkeys (like rhesus macaques). So while we think of ourselves as only having two arms and two legs (and torsos), technically speaking our DNA tells us otherwise:
We have four limbs when including our hind legs as well as our front arms which makes us more similar in body plan than most people would realize.