8 Ways to Pose for Your Wedding Photo Booth in Style

Adding a photo booth to your wedding just doubles the entertainment for your guests. Sure, you’ll be the center of attention, but you don’t want your guests to sit idle now, do you? Well then, get ready to rock your own wedding with a wedding photo booth, along with some crazy wedding photo booth props.
Don’t know how to pose in the photo booth? Well, look no further.
In this article, we are going to give you 8 unique and fun must-do poses you should strike to make your pictures even more fun.
These poses are not only going to result in better and more creative pictures, but you are definitely going to have much more fun in the photo booth with all your loved ones.
1. Throw the bouquet
The girls at your wedding, especially your bridesmaids, are always eager to catch the flower bouquet you throw. That shows who is going to be next in line for their dream wedding.
Posing the same way in your wedding photo booth is a creative idea. You can gather all your lovely and beautiful bridesmaids, and pose as you’re throwing back your flower bouquet for them to catch.
2. Charlie’s Angels
Want a fun, yet unique, pose with you and your bridesmaids for your wedding? Well then, get ready to pose like Charlie’s Angels.
Get some fake guns for you and your lovely bridesmaids, and get ready to look cool (and stunning) for your pictures.
Strike some ninja poses, and you’re all set. This is one creative way you can pose for your photo booth pictures and would impress anyone you would share this with. You will definitely start a trend with this pose!
3. Love birds
You obviously cannot forget your loving husband to be part of your photo booth pictures, now can you?
Get in your wedding photo booth with the love of your life and strike some romantic and silly poses. You can eat the ultimate kiss, kiss on the cheek, the prom pose, or even a simple hug. Trust us, this is the time to go all-out crazy in the photo booth because you certainly can’t bring back your wedding day again.
4. Pick her up
Go for the classic ‘pick her up’ pose with the love of your life. Your husband can carry you in his arms, and you can pose with a sweet kiss or even all smiles in front of the photo booth camera.
This is one of the most adorable poses there are for newlyweds and would bring all smiles to you and your loved one when you look back on these sweet and lovely pictures.
5. Blow a kiss
Spread some love by blowing kisses with you and your beautiful gals!
Gather your stunning and gorgeous bridesmaids and blow some kisses at the camera. This is a lovely pose to strike with your girlfriends and is never too boring to do so.
Better yet, you can even call your male friends, or practically all of your friends to blow kisses this way. The crazier and sillier, the better!
This pose would make the perfect pictures to share with all your friends to see on your social media.
6. The dab
Want to look cool and punk in your wedding pictures? Drop everything now, and dab for your wedding pictures.
Dabbing took the internet by storm in late 2015, and is still yet to stay.
Trust us, dabbing isn’t only for teens, even adults doing it makes them look totally cool.
So, call up all your close friends at your wedding, and ask them to dab and pose towards the camera. This would make a fun and memorable picture that would bring in nostalgic feelings whenever you and your friends look back at them.
Also, a dabbing pose picture with all your best friends (and the love of your life, of course!) would make the best picture to share on your social media accounts.
7. Oops… I did it again!
Show off your love for Britney Spears by putting a pose together for her hit song. Trust us, she would definitely be proud too…
This pose is always fun- you can do it with the love of your life, and even with your best friends. You would look like a pop dive slash bridezilla. Click these Britney-inspired pictures and share them for others to see on your social media.
8. Pout
Who has a photo session without some pouting? Bring out the best pout poses you can think of and pose for the camera. You can use whatever wedding photo booth props you like, a pout will complement any prop. You can even ask your loving spouse to pout for the camera, to look silly and crazy.