50 Fashion Trends That We Wish Never Return

There have been so many fashion trends that we have seen coming back over time. Some of them have already come back time and again. The proof of this statement is a lot of people have indulged themselves in the fashion industry for a long time. But on the other hand, we have some fashion trends that we believe should not come back. It was not only a nightmare to have ever existed but makes not utterly sense in wearing that. We don’t say, you will share the same opinion but in most of the trends that we are going to talk about, you will still believe in us.
Be it the funny t-shirts with cliche quotations or some mix and match shoes; we have a list of 50 fashion trends that we wish should never return to the fashion industry. So, without any dues, let’s talk about them straight up.
1. Belly Chain
Belly Chain can be described as one of those fashion trends in which people who weren’t able to commit to the piercing on their belly just wrapped around a chain around their waist. But that’s not at a fashion, is it?
2. Boob Scarf Holder
As quickly as people adopted this fashion, they rejected it too due to a lot of things. Not only it was uncomfortable but ladies with bigger bust sizes didn’t have a thing for it. Thank god, this went off the radar quickly.
3. Wedge Sneakers
Back in 2011, this fashion trend coupled with leather jeans and long sleeve shirts for men made a lot of noise in the fashion industry. But it was quickly recognized as a bummer because these sneakers weren’t as comfortable as they were imagined to be. They were made to work as an alternative for the regular wedges but it didn’t work out for ladies as much.
4. Designer Tucker caps
Did you remember the fashionable designer trucker caps or hats that were insanely popular in the 2000s? But they went off the radar in 6 months or so. The main reason for this was its price tag which was insane. And the cap got its replacement too soon.
5. Exposed pocket denim shorts
Though a few people still love wearing denim shorts with exposed pockets. They simply pair it with cool t-shirts but this trend vanished from the entire market abruptly. This trend was very popular in the 2000s but now it has just become nightwear for girls.
6. Crocheted Blankets as Shirts
Actually, this was one of the fashion trends that were started by older celebrities to counter the men’s t-shirt funny style with cargo. Where men made a golden combination, the crocheted blanket was a bummer that went out of fashion almost unnoticed.
7. Visible underwear
Do you remember one of the shows of Justin Bieber where he showed his underwear? He wore his pants too low, even lower than his butts. But that was not the first time when something like this happened in the fashion industry or by celebs. This was one of those fashion trends which was invented and went off the radar without getting any eyes.
8. Bootcut Jeans
A lot of people misunderstand this fashion with the bellbottom. But these two are totally different. Bootcut jeans are flatter on the borderline. They were called iconic in the late 90s but we think it was limited to just Hollywood and some places in the East.
9. Arm Warmers
In true words, this was a fashion that got limited to just the superstars and in that only amongst the singers prominently. Think wearing arm warmers in summers, will it be good? Thank god, this fashion got off the radar too quickly.
10. Pleather Chaps
This is one of those designer fashions that didn’t get much traction because it was a bummer in itself. This was one of the fashions that came into existence in 2020 and vanished from the market in the same year.
11. Cropped Pants
Neither the pants nor the accessories, nothing in this fashion seemed to be alluring or amazing. We have no idea what was this fashion made for and who allowed it but thank god, we don’t have to deal with it anymore.
11. Embellishment Jeans
If dressing sense were a joke, then Embellishment Jeans would have been a perfect example. Not to forget how cliché it looked and even the biggest of superstars weren’t able to stop it from vanishing. We hope it doesn’t return and people should learn some fashion tips.
12. Chokers
Chokers have been a thing over and over but we are now relieved that it has gone for good. A few countries still keep promoting this fashion but mostly this fashion is out of the limelight. And it’s such a relief.
13. Low rise pants
Not just the actors and actresses but even the common people would agree that this was a nightmare for the ones who looked at the people wearing such a dress. Isn’t it?
14. Baggy Button-up shirts
Hell no! Guys what was in your mind when you were promoting this attire? Looks like a laughing stock for a lot of people. And you keep promoting it over and over, right?
15. Shrug or dress over pants
There was a time when people wore dresses over their pants. We didn’t understand the logic behind this attire, do you? But no point, it has gone outdated and we believe there is no chance for it to come back.
16. Pedal pushers
There is nothing to say about this attire, it was just an experiment that failed badly. And that’s because you combined two of the worst attires of all time.
17. Burnt Velvet
Velvet is still there on the fashion radar but it is so good that burnt velvet is now out of fashion. True, it might have been a better thing with some minor tweaks but that never happened and this fashion vanished without a question.
18. Camo
There was a time in the early 2000s when actors and actresses got swayed by camos. But it was just a flop show once again.
19. Tight Vests
Another example of a crappy fashion trend that has gone for good. And we are happy that no one is talking about it anymore.
20. Fushun Corsets
When there was nothing to experiment on, this came into existence as an experiment. Gosh, we are happy that it’s no more in trend.
21. Embellished Denim skirts
God, first the jeans and then the skirt, is there anything else left? This again failed miserably. And where some found it to be cute, others hated it a lot.
22. Suit up Ed Hardy
If you want to burn out your money, then this is the fashion you should retain. But the world didn’t want it.
23. Denim with Whiskers
An awful type to even experiment, with because it led to only laughter and misery all over the place. It wasn’t what the doctor ordered.
24. Useless Belt
There was a time when everyone wanted to show their belt even if their dress didn’t want it. Thank God it was all in the past.
25. Cardigans replacing shirts
Remember the time when cardigans were replacing shirts? Thank god, we too don’t remember that fashion.
If you want to add a few amazing printed t shirts to your wardrobe then look for the best t-shirt design website and get a few from there. There are many available online applications and websites like Design hill that offer a lot of features and customizing options. You can pick one amongst them for your t-shirt design.