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5 Methods for a Pest-Free Fall at Home

Every dedicated homeowner dreams of a beautiful and pest-free home. A household without pests is important so that those who are living in it can enjoy a truly peaceful and stress-free environment. All kinds of pests have their distinct ways of bringing disaster to our homes regardless of what time of the year it is; whether it’s winter, spring, summer, or fall, pests find ways to survive and thrive.

One of the most ideal spots where pests can find refuge now that summer has ended and fall has begun is the human home. Obviously, people’s dwellings offer warmth and an abundance of food. It is no wonder that pests would enter buildings and houses during the colder months because they can seek refuge in areas like the attic, basement, pantry, laundry room, storage spaces, and garage among others. While they are at it, pests can contaminate our food, thereby spreading diseases. Other pests destroy the structures of our homes and damage our properties.

To provide solutions to these problems, pest control companies offer various services depending on the type of pests encountered. These include bed bug control, termite removal, rodent control, ant extermination, and many more. 

Tips for Homeowners to Pest Free

Homeowners can do more than just asking help from pest control professionals. We should do our share of responsibility to protect our homes from pests and make the fall season a lot more meaningful. These are the five methods that we can apply for a pest-free fall:

  1. De-clutter and clean up all areas in and around your home.

    To safeguard your home from pests not only during the fall but all year round is to observe cleanliness at all times. You need to always keep your home free from dirt and clutter to make it less attractive to pests. Clutter and a disorganized environment provide pests with hiding spots. To keep those critters at bay, use the vacuum as much as possible on a daily basis to remove dust and food debris on your floors and furniture. Also, maintain good hygiene in areas like the kitchen and pantry as pests typically frequent these zones where food is abundant. Clean up after food spills and crumbs straightaway before pests get to them.

  2. Close up holes on-screen, cracks on walls, gaps on windows and doors, and other openings (i.e. chimney).

    Pests get access to your home through any gaps or openings. Therefore, you need to fix any structural damages inside your home that will give pests a doorway to your household. Always watch out for crevices large enough for pests to squeeze their tiny bodies through. Seal these gaps with caulk or steel wool. Your chimneys also offer a perfect opening for pests like rodents. Hence, make sure to cover your chimney to block any pest entry.

  3. Dispose of your garbage properly.

    This is a very important hygiene practice. Ants, flies, roaches, and rodents, ants can smell food and garbage from afar. You should always make it a habit to throw out trash and other wastes collected in your household on a daily basis. If you have garbage bins outdoors, make sure they are covered tightly trash.

  4. Eliminate all potential breeding sites for pests.

    Remove moist as well as those containers (i.e. old tires, empty bottles, pet dishes, discarded buckets, and barrels) that store standing water. It is much better to maintain a dry environment because of many pests like dwelling in damp or wet areas. Mosquitos, which may carry deadly viruses, breed in standing water. Also, check and clean your gutters regularly during the fall season. Your gutters may contain clogs and debris like rotten leaves, which are also potential breeding sites for pests.

  5. Store your food securely.

    Food is the number one factor that appeals to pests. Pests like ants, rodents, and roaches will get to where is food abundant. It is never a good thing for these nuisances to touch your food for they can make you sick. A homeowner must thus see to it that all food in the household is securely stored inside air-tight containers. After eating, left-overs should be refrigerated instead of leaving them out in the open.

As temperature drops, pests even become more determined to survive. They will search for warmth and shelter as their natural habitats outside become less favorable. Their main target will likely be your home. Thus, homeowners must apply those 5 basic methods to enjoy the fall season without pesky pests scurrying around the house. For more guidance, you can consult a pest control expert regarding the Dos and Don’ts during the fall season.

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